
Ultra-Extract is a 100% Egyptian company founded according to the regulations and governing laws regulating the investment in
the Egyptian industrial zones. Ultra contributes to the worldwide campaign of preserving our environment from destruction as a result of our own industrial activities; bringing value-added services to the Egyptian market and providing innovative, cost-effective, and scalable waste management services.
Adopting top-notch technologies, making the efficient use of our resources and applying the latest management strategies, we hope
to achieve our key goal which is to maintain the satisfaction of our clients and to obtain the lion’s share of the market volume.
At our early stages, Ultra began its activities providing waste management services for petroleum companies working close to
and around the Nile delta as well as providing a treatment plant in the industrial zone of the city of Gamsa – Dakahlyia Governorate.
Maintaining our good reputation and pursuing our pre-defined goals, we scaled up our Gamsa plant to double its capacity with the rising market demand. Moreover, as we expanded our working spectrum of signing contracts with companies whose concessions are in the western desert, we established a larger plan in Fayoum Governorate
and looking forward to invading the eastern desert. We are currently
constructing a larger scale plant to fulfill the pre-studied needs of
this market section.